Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Birthday Boy

How do I put into words what it means that youre 7? 

I know this year has been rough. Mama and daddy moving apart and us both finding new companions. 

moving to going to 2 different houses. 
Jay moving in. 
2 new "siblings". 

I know this has been hard, but through it all youve really blossomed and so has our relationship. 

Youve opened up to me and shared hard emotions and Im so proud of how you talk to me. 
We went for your birthday to see Star Wars with Daddy and James and you wanted to sit by me and you snuggled my arm the entire time. 
Im so smitten with you and I hope you feel secure and loved and happy, amidst the hard things. 
We will be here with you forever babe. 

I love you, Im proud of you. Youre my sonshine and my soul mate. 

Happy birthday Kid. 

Tuesday, December 29, 2015