Sunday, March 29, 2009


oh my dear julian. 

i have a friend, someone close to my heart. 
she was to have a baby, just like you. 
but the day he was going to be borned, he had to go to heaven instead. 

I hope this is explained further and maybe prevented when you are an adult. 

things like PCOS (where a lady has cysts on her ovaries) and endometriosis, like mummy has, and unexplained infertility, stillbirth (where the baby goes to heaven instead of being borned), miscarriage (a tinier baby goes to heaven months before being borned), birth defects, sids (where a baby goes to heaven in their sleeps). these things hurt so many people. 

im blown away by how much hurt there is for mothers who dont have their babies. 
some people are MEANT to be mothers.

Julian, in the years of treatment i had before you came, i was a mother already. my heart was there, i was your mother, but god had to finish you. 
we can research everything there is to research, and not find the answer, and it scares me. 
it scares me and it hurts me. to see someone i care about hurting. i never realized how much it hurts to watch someone you love hurts. 
it almost parallels being the one in pain yourself. 
i hope these feelings and experiences are sparce for you. 

never take these things for granted. 
a baby is a blessing. YOU are a blessing. 
today i took some video of you. 
and ive been taking pictures like crazy. 
you are 3 months old sweet pea. 
and i could not be more amazed at your smile. 
today daddy and i talked about how much we hope that we can make you an older brother someday; it might be really hard, and it might not happen. but you are our life baby boy, and even if you are the only one, we could not be happier. everyday that goes by i take a few moments to thank god for another day with you here.

if anyone else in the cyber world has some answers into the mysteries of the natural born mothers being denied their yearning for motherhood, please impart them upon me. 

in the meantime i have some soul searching to do. 
a goal i have is to one day carry a child for someone, or donate the healthy eggs that i have to someone it was meant for. 
Daddy has a slight issue with this happening anytime soon....but there are so many people who are parents just waiting for their babies, and maybe i can help in the equation. 

Julian Russell Charles. 

I love you SO much. 

(you are sticking your tongue out further now...i surely hope that everything goes fine with your little tongue. you dont let things get in your way thats for sure. love you bub.)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

sicky boy

dear julian, 

today you were a sicky boy, up every couple of hours last night. 

daddy surprised mommy with a night at the beach ina  wonderful beachfront hotel room. 
you cuddled up with daddy and slept. in your sleep you had some nightmares, and started crying, breakking our hearts. 

we love you handsome. 

i can not CAN NOT believe how LUCKY and how BLESSED we are to have you. 


right now you are cuddling on aunt heather and you are so talkative. 
Aunt heather is talking about how talkive you are and how much you love her :]
you are so sweet. you're wearing new jammies today. i went through and cleaned out your clothes; Some things you havent even worn and you grew out of!!!

we are giving your clothes to a baby who needs them and some we are keeping for if you have a little brother. 

i hope we are good parents to you son. 

we try very hard. 


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

im a procrastinator

dear julian...
i hope you arent a procrastinator like me. 

i truly wish i could do these things that i have started but have yet to finish. hopefully by the time you are old enough i will have completed some. 

gone to school: i havent gone because i never knew what i wanted to do and i didnt want to waste my time and monies. 
im looking into being a lactation consultant right now. when i had you we had a terrible time because of your tongue tie, it hurt so bad. if it werent for my lactation consultant teryl, i wouldnt have had the courage to keep going. 

write: i love to write, but i always start things without finishing them. 


Monday, March 16, 2009


dear julian...

oh sigh. 

i realize by the time you are old enough to know that i'm cool, i might not be cool anymore. 

hmm. so lets chat. 

im 22 years old. ,
I was born in Stockton, California. 
GranmaK and us all moved up to Oregon when i was 11. 
i love God, but i dont have all the answers about religion (i dont think any human does, seek God for answers love).
I went on a couple mission trips; i went to mexico once, to a town called encinata, and also to Los Angeles. i love to help people. i hope you share my passion. 
i love to write; i'll write anything, short stories, songs, poems, the beginnings of novels.
i love it. i was in journalism in high school and was the sports editor for the paper and editor of the yearbook until i had to go to the alternative school. 
i like to take pictures - of people mostly. i like abstract and realism.
i dont like to wash silverware. i hate people doing my laundry for me, yet im somewhat messy. not a slob just a cluttered mess ish. 

Aunnie Kimm is one of my bestest friends ever. always listen to her, she's a smart cookie. 

I was in theatre in high school also. 
i love music. LOVE music. 
my first job was at an After School Program working with kids. then i worked at a pool and then at a middle school with the special education kids. those kids are SO smart!
i love kids. (but none as much as my own of course). 

(you're humming in your sleep like you do...and it makes me smile). 

i like to watch human interest stories on tv (biggest loser, the shows about big big families, medical shows). 

i like to be happy. 
i have seizures sometimes. but not very much anymore. 
i likes dinos and dragons. i like that we had dinos and dragons for you. 
i love sammiches!!! i could eat em all the time!!

siamese cats are my favorite. 
and i like BIG dogs!
i'd like a st bernard one day if daddy will let me. 

i can play simple drums. 
i like oatmeal with soft apples in it :] maple and brown sugar oatmeal is best. 

i like movies and some of my favorite days are days when daddy and you and me stay and cuddle on the couch and just watch tv as a family. i LOVE family get togethers. 

baby boy...i love YOU. 
you are the best thing ever. 
thats realy the only thing you need to know. :]

there are some people i wish you had met. i'll tell you about them one day. 
i hope you will take on certain attributes of them. 

oh yes. and i am very much in love with your daddy. 

goodnight baby boy. 


Friday, March 13, 2009

The miracle that is YOU.

oh dear Julian. 
my dear dear Julian. 

all babies are miracles. 

all babies are god's miracles to the grandparents. 

but YOU son, you are even more so. 

when momma was 11, she started having pains. it took lots of doctors and 5 more years before the doctors did a srugery and they found something called Endometriosis. 
it has to do with lining of the uterus growing on and around other organs. 
doesnt sound so bad, but it makes for pain and sometimes people who have it cant have babies. 

i had to take a lot of pills, for YEARS. 
i had to have shots to make my organs not work for awhile. 

but it was worth it. 

when dad and i decided to have a baby, we werent sure when we would see your face. 
but GOD had you all picked out for us. 
and in His time, we learned you would be coming soon!!!

we are hoping that having you fixed it so we can give you a brother or a sister!

we had already decided your name would be julian, but that wasnt official until we saw you. You looked just like our julian. 

Russell is for Aunt Heather, Poppa and Ma-Margi, aunt jessi and uncle Kyle. they arent really biological family but they did a good job "raising" momma and i wanted to honor them. 

Charles is for Daddy, and Grandps Backer, and Great Grandpa Backer and Great Great Grandpa and Great GReat Great GRandpa Backer. 
all of them had Charles in the middle. 

Julian Russell Charles. 

Love you Chaba. lessons volume 1...

dear julian..

there is a meaning to life that we all search to find. 
its different for everybody. 
for some its family. for some its the career you choose. for some its money for some its religion.  for some its just living the life you were born into. 

let me tell you what it is for me. the part of me i hope to impart on you.
its about others.
its about making sure other people feel happiness.

thats why we will have a tradition. 
every christmas, right around your birthday 
we will make the world a little better for other kids who dont have what i will daily strive for you...complete happiness, warmth of family and love. 
we will do toys for tots. 
we will do meals for the unfortunate. 
maybe donate to the union gospel mission. 
we will do the giving tree.
and we will do giving things for no it christmas...or st patricks day...or just a thursday. 

i want you to know that we have a fortunate life. 
mom and dad will ALWAYS work hard so you have everything you need. 
this doesnt always mean everything you want, but we will always work hard for you. 
and other people, they dont always have that Jude. 
they really dont. 

its up to people who have good lives like us to help others smile and eat and love and live. 
sometimes other people need love and happiness too, and have no one to give it to them. 
there are kids with no parents...wives with no husbands...ladies and gentlemans raising kids by themselves....babies with no families...people with no homes.
i promise you i will do everything in my power to bring a smile to your face, to bring happiness to you. and we should do the same for others.

here are today's life lessons. i hope you learn them baby boy:

when you go out to lunch and have leftovers that you will probably throw away, find a bum and give it to them instead.

when you get new clothes...there are so many places who gives clothes to the needy...give your old clothes to them so they can be warm. 

when you are done with your old magazines or dvds...send them to a soldier stationed overseas.

dont talk badly about the president....while they may not know all the answers, they do what they think is best. be supportive. if there is something you believe in that needs to be done and isnt...stand up for it and change the world yourself. 

Dont talk bad about other people...if you are no better than than they who you think are wrong. 

God is ALWAYS there for you; find your own way with him. 
what mom and dad and the rest of the world believe are OUR personal relationships with Him. find your own. thats the most important. if you are a good person, you will be blessed in His eyes. dont let anyone persuade you into a different form of a relationship. its up to you son, to find him. 

Find humor. dont take everything too seriously. 
Be serious. dont take everything too loosely. 

Love others. 
Mommy believe that a hero is someone that does what they can with what they have. 
you dont have to be a fire fighter, or a lifeguard, or a preacher or a missionary to make a difference. you dont have to save someone or rescue a kitten. 

if you have $1.00 give it to someone who needs it a charity or a are doing the right thing. 

if you are the shoulder to which a friend cries are doing the right thing. 

do you have a friend who has a cold? take some chicken noodle soup to their house! unless they are vegetarian...then bring them broth of something other than animal. or tomato. 
with grilled cheese. its the right thing to do. : ]

when you see a dog running around with a the number on the license unless they are foaming at the mouth...then dont...because they might have rabies. rabies is NOT the right thing. 

comedy is funny....making people laugh is good...unless you are making fun of someone...then its mean and disrespectful and not laughter worthy.  comedy is relating...not insulting. remember that. because you're bound to have an awesome sense of humor.  : ]

you will like girls...(or boys...)
either way...
open doors. every time (even when you're mad). car doors...revolving doors...any doors. daddy always opens mums doors. 
tell them they are beautiful. NEVER say anothing other than "no way, you look amaazing!" (or some other variation ((with real enthusiasm)) ) when she asks "do i look fat in this?" (or some other variation).
also...pick a girl who looks so pretty natural without a lot of makeup...why? because if you marry her...she'll wake up with no make up on...and if you pick a  natural one it wont matter :]. 
and rub her feet or her back sometimes...thats nice. 
dont say "i love you" unless you mean it...even if she says it first. that word is not one to throw around.
if i were to tell you "dont go to bed angry" you wouldnt follow it. why? because when you are really angry...sometimes you sleep angry. but ALWAYS say "i love you" before bed...even if you dont say anything else. because you're angry.

when you have plans...KEEP them!!! unless there is an emergency. even if you decide to leave never know when you'll regret not going. but it will always be worth it to hang out with someone you care about. 

dont touch alligators...or crocodiles. 
they bite hard. 

dont do drugs...
they are BAD!!! there is a reason mommy and daddy dont do them...
they make you crazy...make you lose your family...make you spend all your monies...and leave your friends. 
i'fll always be honest with you about the experience i've had. if i can save you from them....there is no reason not to. 
i love you too much to have you hurt like i did. 

work hard at school. 
work hard at work. 
dont borrow money you cant pay back. 
dont be afraid to ask for help. 
dont get a credit card you cant pay will ruin your credit. 

baking isnt a girly thing...: ] boys can bake too. 

if you like boys...tell me and dad.. we love YOU and we will embrace the lifestyle you embrace. 
unless the lifestyle involves the drugs...refer to the life lesson about drugs from above.  in short...DONT DO THEM. 

if you like girls...tell mum and dad. we have a lot to talk to you about. 

: ]

daddy always respects me. and you should always respect the ladies. 

do NOT ever...ever hit a lady. dont throw things at a lady. 
dont hurt a lady. 

tell the truth. 
the truth is very important. 
(unless your gf asks if she looks fat and she actually does. in that case refer to previous life lesson about gf insecurity questions.)

help old ladies. 
if they are at the grocery store...ask if they need help out. 
if they are crossing the street, offer a helping hand. 
old men too...dont be sexist now. : ]

dont kiss on the first date. 
respect the ladies.  : ]
DO stay up talking until all hours.. (not on school slash work nights).
no spending the night....!

dont lie to your mum and dad. 
and we wont lie to you : ] well...truth be told we wont lie anyway. 
but still. be honest. 

save your monies. 
there will be times you really want something, and will have no monies unless you save. 
its important to have back up monies. 
either for to take a girl on a date. 
or to put gas in the car. 
or to buy guitar hero because its awesome. 
or for other important things like bills. 
these days you were born into are kind of hard on the monies, but we are going to work hard to have savings to always make sure you have what you need. 

hmmm... the sex it safely. and you can talk to us about it at any time. 
we want you to be safe. always. in every way. 

which brings up a good point in my mind. 
the drinking. 
DO NOT get in a car with someone who has been drinking at ALL. One beer...2 beers. only no beers or no drinks. y'hear?

Mummy has had some pain and some loss in her life.
Mum had a friend. his name was Shane. he was a good friend to her, and he got in a car with someone who was not responsible. and the man drove fast, and they got in an accident. 
Shane didnt make it. 

her friend Jesse. he was a good man. he jumped in a river with no life jacket when the water was going, and he didnt make it across like he though. 

her friend Andy. he took a pain pill that wasnt his..and he didnt make it. 

these things are risky. 
i never want to lose you. 
be safe. make smart choices, son.
and show your friends smart choices.
i never want you to feel the pain of losing a friend. 

but if you do? we will be here for you. 
all the time never not. 
there isnt a force in this earthly world that could keep me from you. 
or daddy. he loves you so much. 
if you ever have any questions, we will do our best to answer them. 

sometimes mom and dad will fight. 
it will NEVER be your fault. 
and it will NEVER stop us from loving you. 
remember that. 

Dont take candy from strangers.
unless you are buying candy from a store. 
so...i guess dont take candy from people who arent in a store selling candy legitimately. 

tell people you love that you love them. all the time. 

sing with reckless abandon. what other people think. 
but most of the time...dont. 
you'll know when for each. : ]

be a good friend. 

(ask daddy about calling you carpet :] if he remembers...he will laugh). 

anyhow. be a good friend. invite your friends for dinner. or for a movie. 
dont let them drink and drive. or ride with drinky. 

dont be mean to animals. 
they can be mean back. 

(side note: daddy: its like a jewish birthday party!!!....what do i cover the floor with!?
been there for a long time you say?! dont get no sugar free!)

dont sneak out. 
you'll cause me grief. 
and while im a cool mom now...
when im older it might cause me to give you grief. 
for your benefit: keep me being a cool mom. 

heather is your aunt. 
she is fun and funny and loves you probably more than any other child in the world. 
dont call her not funny. she will be mad. and you might not be her favorite for a week.
just so you know. 
heather says she will take you to rugby games. in portland. 
listen to your aunt. all 7 of them. unless they are being stupid. 
heather just said she is going to dress you up like a girl. 
THAT is a good example of when NOT to listen to your aunt. 
unless that floats your boat. 
in that case. be honest with me and boat float away son. 

stay up late sometimes.  
go to bed early sometimes. 
nap sometimes. 
watch Nick @ Nite sometimes. 

Know when to say No. 
Know which know is which. 
which which is which. 
and which their or there or they're is which. 
its hard sometimes. 
you'll get the hang of it. 

its easier to warm yourself up than cool yourself down. 
and PG&E is expensive. keep that in mind. 

you have very close family. 
but a LOT of them. why? because our families were broken before we had you (you made them fixed actually). 

we'll help you try and remember each one. i was going to explain them...but my fingers are tired already. 

dont run with scissors. 

or knives. 

know right from wrong. 
and right from left. 
and write from speak. 
and wright from right from write. 
and know where the RiteAid is or any other 24 hour pharmacy near you. just in case., 
and as aunt heather points out. also know what the right aid is. this is a time to listen to aunt heather. 
she also says dont get aids. refer to safe sex life lesson and life lesson about askign mom and dad questions. 

return phone calls. 
return text messages. 
return emails. 
return whatever other communication technology comes out after your ole mum writes this. 

 always RSVP. sometimes people get so lazy they dont even do that. its easy. communicate back and say YES or NO. 
refer to life lesson about Know from No. y'know?

eat when you're hungry. 
drink when you're thirsty
stop when you're full. 
so you're not obese. 
oooh be nice to those that are of the overweight persuasion...refer to life lesson about ladies asking about their weight.

be friendly until people give you a reason to not be friendly..and then be friendly but be friendly to people who accept your friendliness. 

jokes are funny. 
unless they involve racism. 
know your audience. 

keep american sliced cheese at your house for aunt heather. 

love water. 
it loves you back. 

know when to start. and when to stop. in all situations. 
especially driving. for safety reasons. 

make good choices. 
refer to all these life lessons for clarification. 

dont play with fire. 
dont smoke. 
dont catch on fire. 
stop drop and roll if you do. 
in that order. 

dont eat sweets all the time. 
but sometimes its okay. 

be nice to your brothers and sisters when they come. 
matter of fact. 
im grounding you preemptively to deter you from picking on them. 
no television for a week. 
you'll thank me when you're older., 


be a good example. 

be positive. negativity is negative. 

dont hit. unless its one of those carnival games that has you hitting the bell for a prize. then hit hard. and win. but if you dont win its okay. we love you anyway. 
but dont hit.
especially a lady. like stated above. 
defend yourself. there is a difference.
and play rugby. you can then charge people and have it be okay. : ]

dont tattle but know when to tell on someone. 

your aunt can be a bully. like stated previously. be a good example. 
she will learn eventually. 

dont laugh at others misfortunes. 
do laugh at their fortune cookies. 

dont call people names. 
unless its a cool nickname. 
like Laser. or Monty.
or Big Eddie. (s'long as Eddie doesnt mind being called Big'll know inside your heart). 

Aunt Heather will call you Rusty. 
thats okay. 
it means she likes you. 

You have the coolest name in the world.

your family will watch out for creepers. and you should watch out for creepers. and watch out for other creepers from other people. 

you WILL be embarassed at your sporting events...ballet recitals...or other extracurricular activity of your choice. 
you will always be able to pick out aunt heather, mums and dads voices from a crowd. 
you will get used to it. people wont know we are talking about you though. because we will make up some embarassing nickname. quite possibly not just for you, but also your friends. 
these nicknames may not be logical. they may be countries, former presidents, or other nouns.
they will also probably change on a moments notice. 
 you will always be able to relate to Uncle "Ireland" if you feel too embarassed.

you are a good kid, bub. stay a good kid. 

for now, im going to cuddle you and make sure you get good sleeps tonight. 
i love you little Chaba. 


Thursday, March 12, 2009

mommy and daddy...

we are so in love baby boy. 

you have brought us closer than we could have ever imagined. 

we love you. 


.Dear Julian...

You are finally here. 

9 and 1/2 long months of being pregnant. 
11 years of painful painful months. 
7 years of hormones and pills.
1 surgery. 
6 months of lupron.
27 hours of labor. 
1 breaking water.
99 minutes of pushing. 
1 epidural and 2 epi boosters. 

you are here. 

the most beautiful picture perfect being i have ever seen. 
i can not even explain it. 

truth be told, i thought there would be more of you...heck daddy was 11 lbs when he was born and momma was 8.5. i thought for sure that you would be bigger than you were. 
but your face was beautiful. your eyes...curious. 
your hands with your long fingers and your feet with your long toes...perfect. 
you have toes like your momma: Aunnie K used to call me finger toes...and you are going to follow in my footsteps...toessteps...something like that. 

i hope to never forget the experience. 

it was about 1 oclock on poppa Bob's birthday that it started. i was so uncomfortable i couldnt stop rolling around on that yoga ball. 
my hips ached my back stung my feet swelled my legs cramped.  i was at aunnie k's house watching animal planet rolling rolling rolling. 
i was writing down the contractions as i felt them...irregular yet close together.  and i was getting flustered. at one point i rearranged k's fridge letters to say "Julian Come Home". 
i truly didnt think you were coming that night. or that year for that matter. 
around 10 daddy was supposed to come home. 
around 10 i heard a pop...and felt something strange. 
i realized shortly after that was indeed my waters...which they should call "that which is not at all like water". 
when daddy got there he had flowers...he didnt even know yet that you were coming. the contractions started getting worse, and we headed for the hospital. 
we got there and got registered and i got settled into a bed. 
which then changed to walking...then the tub. those contractions were coming harder and harder and i was trying to handle them. it took everything within me. 
after 5 hours at the hospital, i asked the nurse to check me...only to find that i was only at 4.5 cm. 10 seemed so far away! i had been having contractions for over 12 hours now.
i needed to rest, and i asked the nurse for the medicine. they called the doctor and an hour later they came with the medicine. i started to relax and they gave me medicine to make the contractions come faster and make you come sooner.  your heart rate was up and down, so they needed to speed things along. im glad i had medicine to help me relax. i was in for a long time more!!!

you were comfortable and didnt come out for quite awhile. 
the medicine started to wear off, but doctor todd came in to give me more. 
i was determined to be as positive as possible. 
mommy and daddy had waited for you! this was a happy day!!! mommy didnt scream at daddy at all. there was no yelling, no sadness or anger. Watch Over Me rang in the background. 
when the medicine started working again it was about time to push. 
its not like in the movies. 
there periods of silence between contractions while we all waited for you. it took 99 minutes to push you out. every second was worth it. 
daddy wasnt sure he'd be able to watch, but he was so excited when he saw you coming. 
Aunnie K and my mother were there helping me too holding my legs and hands to help me push. they were so happy you were coming. 
the second you came out they placed you on my chest and its a moment ill never forget., to look at you...disbelief. 
i cleaned you off and held you close. they let you lay with me for an hour before they checked you. 
it was the best hour of my life. 
you are phenomenal. 
the next few days in the hospital we didnt sleep hardly at all. 
i loved every second with you. 
12.27.2008 1639 (4.39pm)
7 lbs 5oz
19.5 inches long. 
Julian Russell Charles
my baby boy. 

we love you handsome. 

since that day you have laughed and smiled in your sleep. 
opened those big eyes in curiosity. 
you hardly cry.
you curl up ever so sweetly in our arms. 
you sleep so well. 
feeding was difficult with your tongue tie, but you were a trooper and we worked through it. 

you are the perfect compliment to our family. 
you are incredible. 

when you curl up to sleep on my chest and i can feel the rise and fall of your breathing chest against mine, its the most miraculous feeling. 

i hope everyone can feel that. 
its about others julian. 
its about making people happy, working hard to protect others. 
to make someone smile. to wipe away their tears, julian. 
we must always be mindful of others and do what we can with what we have. 

you're a beautiful soul in my handsome boy.