Daddy took you out to wesley's cabin and you got to see snow! You made snowballs and played with aeson and had a great time. He is such a good daddy playing with you in the snow! He loves you and loves playing with you and showing you new things. He sent these pictures to mahmee to show me how much fun you had. I'm just so proud of all you are baby. I love you sonshine.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Daddy loves to cook....

Tuesday, December 28, 2010
First in your life. Maybe next time mahmee and daddy won't do it. We aren't very good. Wish it would just grow in long and perfect! Love you having long boy hair!
Monday, December 27, 2010
Mahmee and daddy
Thank you for making us a mahmee and a daddy from two people. :) you gave us life. And we gave you life. Beautiful!
You're 2!
Oh my baby how you've grown. Many times today I nearly cried. I'm so in love with the person you are every day. You're getting opinions and preferences! Its beautiful to see. Even when you're telling me "get out of the chair!" Or "don't tell me that!" Or "noooooo, miiiiiine!" And I have to set you straight I smile because you're learning! Its such a blessings to be able to teach you right from wrong and know that one day you're gonna be this person, caring and kind, charitable and sweet, a perfect gentleman opening doors and pulling out chairs. You're simply beautiful. You have such passion! During christmas you received many gifts and kept saying "thank you! Thank you!" And I even had to hold the basketball gifts from you because you wouldn't have wanted to open anything else. Sure enough you did and before the rest of your presents were opened you ran off to play with your new basketballs.
We got you sports stuff this year! Soccer balls, tennis balls, a new big basketball, paddles and ping pong balls, and a little football. Even little kid golf set. You are gonna love it I know. Baby I'm just elated that I got these last two years with you. I'm so excited for every single day with you baby. 730 days with you has been amazing. Love you! More to post throughout the day as friends and family come see you! Muah love!
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Best day.
Family fills me with such joy baby. Nothing makes me happier than having you and my brothers and sisters in one place. Singing and singing. Thanks for being my date today at the eye doctor. :) love you babe. I shopped for your birthday presents today. So excited!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
guess what baby?
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
how blessed am i?
Monday, December 13, 2010
gonna go cuddle you.
You and uncle rad have matching chucks. Had to use it as a photo op. But the only way to get you to take them off....was by giving you mine to walk in. Until you saw rads chucks...then you wanted his :)
Whatever makes you smile soulmate...
Sicky boy...
We stayed a little longer at daddys while you weren't feeling too hot. You love his christmas tree...inspired by our blazers!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
This morning
You used both hands on either side of my face and pulled my face in for a kiss. You are sick right now but so handsome. :)
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
The first time I built a fire in our house you came out as I was building it. You exclaimed "fire!" Then got a big old grin before adding "gank you mahmee!" You know the "safety zone" because fire is "danger". And you are good to tell me when a toy ends up by the fire so I can get it for you. Such a good good boy. Love you baby.
Fun with uncle.
Even though you have 2 uncles, you call uncle chris simply "uncle". You're mad at him right now, as he brought a blanket out that you are terrified of. One day you just decided there was a monster in this blanket. And you're fearful. Its so cute. Love you scaredy boy.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Tuckered out.
After no nap yesterday you fell asleep in the crowded arena; even 18000 fans screaming and booing the refs couldn't keep you awake. Don't worry baby, the blazers beat the clippers 100 - 91. :) we got to see your favorite brandon roy, and mahmees favorite joel przybilla back in the rose garden since last december when he hurt his knee. We were all so excited and the usher just loved you to pieces. :)
Blazers...volume 1
5th game of your life baby. Family day celebrating joel przybillas return and daddys birthday and hanukkah all at once! We had a blast!
Not a morning person...
Cute little guy. You sleep still sometimes like you did in my belly. Its cute. I have ultrasounds of you curled up like this (not like you had a choice). But it makes me smile :)
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Judith and daddy
Walking with daddee. Mahmee was silly and forgot a jacket for you. But you wanted to runnnn. We played my version of "I spy" and I asked you to find the cars by color and you did SO well. We had a good family lunch. Now onto mahmees house before daddee and mahmee surprise you with a blazer game!