Tuesday, December 14, 2010

how blessed am i?

lets face it...right now we are poor. but the good kind of poor. the poor where the bills are paid and we are happy. there is end to the lack of fundage in sight.

last night we cuddled and watched toy story 3 (you LOVE it....as does mahmee) and ate pb and honey sammiches.

today is a good example of making the best of things.

i have 12$ in my checking acct. less than 1/4 tank of gas.
and we are out of milk and most foods.

but today i get to make you something we DO have, macaronij and cheese with hot dogs. which, lets be real, we should eat regardless of financial situation.

its day 3 of mahmees 4 days off with you. and im soaking it up. thank you for being beautiful nad perfect.

oh, did i mention i started trying out pullups? yeah, when youre 18 and read this, i bet youll turn bright red or make a joke, but im proud of you. you are such a good kid, and i hate that you have to get bigger at all!

you just approached me wanting to play "baseball", which to you is holding a chopstick while i throw a tennis ball at you.


we're perfect for each other.

now stop climbing all over things and behave!

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