Monday, May 31, 2010
your favorite sippy cup.

we tried almost every cup out there.
cups with spill proof
cups without
cups with straws
cups without
cups with lids
cups without
cups with spouts
cups without.
and you know what makes me happy?
that A). we FINALLY found what you LIKE
and B). you like the ones that are .99c at target :]
munchkin sippy cups with a leakproof silicone guard.
i buy them in groups!
last time i went to buy them i bought 5 of them at one time, including the girly one and i just swapped the lid for a boyish one. :]
favorite sippy cup,
sippy cup,
the best sippy cup,
training cup
happy memorial day.
today we celebrate and give our silent or outspoken thanks to those who serve our country. i wish i didnt have to explain this holiday, because i wish it didnt exist. i wish no one ever had to experience what this holiday is about. but its here, and we embrace the memories and love those who love us too.
i was thinking today bug, as we drove down the road from the Farrs BBQ, that we are incredibly blessed. this country is amazing. i dont condone war nor do i like forceful freedom, but dang it, i love what this country can offer us.
i wish that the world could be full of peace, and that every country could be as developed and lucky and blessed as us.
i think people would be happier if we could all live in peace and everyone could have the luxuries and blessings that we enjoy. i dont want us all riches, but the rags have got to go!
who are we to judge each other?
nevertheless, i know that my ideals are not the ideals of all, and i am grateful we have people who want to make sure we can be happy and free to enjoy it.
we will keep everyone else in our prayers, that one day we can all be happy and wont want to fight each other anymore.
but today we celebrated those who take care of us in our armed forces.
(hopefully one day they wont have to and we wont need armed forces anymore).
but these people sacrifice a lot for us judebug, they leave their families and sometimes they dont get to see their loved ones for years at a time.
they go off to other countries where people dont like or accept them, and they have to do hard things. sometimes it makes them very sad, but we are proud and thankful for them.
Andy was in the Army. Krystle and Juan are in the army. Jake is in the military. The Scotts are both in the military. Victor was in the marines, and Aunnie LaLa (aunt Kayla) is in the Navy. lots of people we care about are in the military and we just love on them.
i wish i had a good reason why we have to celebrate this. but one day we wont have to, and that will make much more sense love.
i was thinking today bug, as we drove down the road from the Farrs BBQ, that we are incredibly blessed. this country is amazing. i dont condone war nor do i like forceful freedom, but dang it, i love what this country can offer us.
i wish that the world could be full of peace, and that every country could be as developed and lucky and blessed as us.
i think people would be happier if we could all live in peace and everyone could have the luxuries and blessings that we enjoy. i dont want us all riches, but the rags have got to go!
who are we to judge each other?
nevertheless, i know that my ideals are not the ideals of all, and i am grateful we have people who want to make sure we can be happy and free to enjoy it.
we will keep everyone else in our prayers, that one day we can all be happy and wont want to fight each other anymore.
but today we celebrated those who take care of us in our armed forces.
(hopefully one day they wont have to and we wont need armed forces anymore).
but these people sacrifice a lot for us judebug, they leave their families and sometimes they dont get to see their loved ones for years at a time.
they go off to other countries where people dont like or accept them, and they have to do hard things. sometimes it makes them very sad, but we are proud and thankful for them.
Andy was in the Army. Krystle and Juan are in the army. Jake is in the military. The Scotts are both in the military. Victor was in the marines, and Aunnie LaLa (aunt Kayla) is in the Navy. lots of people we care about are in the military and we just love on them.
i wish i had a good reason why we have to celebrate this. but one day we wont have to, and that will make much more sense love.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
things and such.
we have such great times you and i. and daddy. you walk around saying "my mommy" all the time, and love getting my attention.
the potty thing is gettign better. today you told us right after you pooped "potty" and went to the door like you understood you should have been int here. later you told me "potty" btu got restless, stood off the pot and then peed on the floor and then again in your diaper literally a minute or so later.
you are happy and sweet and precious.
im excited for what life will be like for you. watchign you grow and learn is amazing. i love talk you through things, watching tv and explaining what is happening. you learn more words daily.
mommy is trying to go to school but it might not pan out. we are trusting in God and i want to spend that time helping other people.
what do i want to be when i grow up? i dont know for a career baby, but believe it all, i have been blessed with my life goal already: you.
im a mommy to a beautiful baby and i love you.
one day you'll have a brother or sister, or more than one, and mommy will love you all, none more or less than the next.
things are difficult and unknowing right now, but they are going to work love. you are amazing and i will do everything for you.
been one week without a cigarette. mommy has eaten a lot and had a lot of sunflower seeds, but its okay. anything for you baby boy.
i love you my julian.
"my mommy".
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
baby boy.
you are 17 months old in 2 days.
and today you went to the bathroom on your potty!
and to be a proud mom for a moment, you went #1 right after a nap in the potty and #2 later on in the day!
you are so so big and so so proud! you dont understand the concept i dont think, but you do know what sound it makes and that its a good thing!
baby boy you are doing so well. just such a fast learner and so wonderful.
teething is being horrible to you. you need mommy and daddy in the night. and have a rough time.
we'll get through this baby!
you said shane, jesse and andy today. so so so perfect. you are so wonderful and they would all be proud. ill tell you more about them one day.
m working so hard on going to school. im working on it babe. sometimes its easy to just st on the couch and just rest and not do anything.
but m going out there. hope you do the same in anything that you know is right, even if it snt always easy love.
i love you more than ANYTHING and want you to always be happy.
would love for you to have a college education and go get a job doing something good and secure. but if what will make you truly happy and safe and in love with life is something different, then do it. as long as you are doing good things and helping people and not hurting others i will always support you. you can do whatever you want. and if you want it bad enough, you will do it.
its been 3 days without a cigarette.
and i watched biggest loser finale tonight.
baby boy, my sweet Judebug, my sunshine, my baby bear, Julian,
im going to be healthy for you.
im going to do whatever i can to make sure i can be there for you always.
you are my world Julian, and i wll do WHATEVER i can to make sure i am always here with you.
nothing can keep me from you babe, you are my sweet, and i would give it all for you.
everything i do now, school, life, love, every breath i take and every thought i have is with you in mind.
cant say t enough and it wll never explain it completely; but you are my SOUL mate :]
and kimmis computer has a broken "i" key, i promise i dont spell badly :]
love you bootdoo!
you are 17 months old in 2 days.
and today you went to the bathroom on your potty!
and to be a proud mom for a moment, you went #1 right after a nap in the potty and #2 later on in the day!
you are so so big and so so proud! you dont understand the concept i dont think, but you do know what sound it makes and that its a good thing!
baby boy you are doing so well. just such a fast learner and so wonderful.
teething is being horrible to you. you need mommy and daddy in the night. and have a rough time.
we'll get through this baby!
you said shane, jesse and andy today. so so so perfect. you are so wonderful and they would all be proud. ill tell you more about them one day.
m working so hard on going to school. im working on it babe. sometimes its easy to just st on the couch and just rest and not do anything.
but m going out there. hope you do the same in anything that you know is right, even if it snt always easy love.
i love you more than ANYTHING and want you to always be happy.
would love for you to have a college education and go get a job doing something good and secure. but if what will make you truly happy and safe and in love with life is something different, then do it. as long as you are doing good things and helping people and not hurting others i will always support you. you can do whatever you want. and if you want it bad enough, you will do it.
its been 3 days without a cigarette.
and i watched biggest loser finale tonight.
baby boy, my sweet Judebug, my sunshine, my baby bear, Julian,
im going to be healthy for you.
im going to do whatever i can to make sure i can be there for you always.
you are my world Julian, and i wll do WHATEVER i can to make sure i am always here with you.
nothing can keep me from you babe, you are my sweet, and i would give it all for you.
everything i do now, school, life, love, every breath i take and every thought i have is with you in mind.
cant say t enough and it wll never explain it completely; but you are my SOUL mate :]
and kimmis computer has a broken "i" key, i promise i dont spell badly :]
love you bootdoo!
family blog; love; life; family;,
Julian Backer
Sunday, May 23, 2010
just a few randoms.

yeah silly boy. you found a sharpie and colored on your face. i left it for a couple photo ops. then scrubbed that little adorable face :]
babys first...bachelorette party! mommy took you with amy to miss michelles bachelorette party. she is going to marry a nice man named Jordan.

they are very beautiful together :]
oh yeah

new tradition is family sleepovers.
this one was "where the wild things are" movie night. you woke up at like 11 and we turned on a movie but you were crazy boy! mommys phone just died. but ll ;ost those pictures as soon as i can!here are just a few. the rest are on my and daddys phones.
you climbed in my spot and started eating my foods. :] i was glad for cuddle bunny times.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
oh my baby.

today we sat on the potty a few times bubba. you say "potty" and "peepee" and sometimes you try and look at whats going on lol.
but you are starting to understand it. no're 17 months old and we just want you to know what it is and what its for so its easier later.
mommy registered for school and is now a college student!
i hope i get the monies i need to stay in it and make a good life for you and our family.
i want you to know i try very hard for you.
mommy loves you so so much.
daddy too.
you are really into elmo. and you always ask for elmo first thing in the morning. you dont understand why elmo is only on 5x a week when there are 7 days in a week. mommy doesnt either.
you are teething im sure.
over 14 teeth now.
you are still in size 12 clothes, but they have too small of head holes and are too short...but you're so skinny! they are the only option!
bedtime now is around 1030 or so and you sleep til about 1030 also.
today we had addison over and you di GREAT watching mommy hold another baby. one day son, one day you will have a brother or sister. momma wont love you any less when there is another baby.
you are my WORLD.
mommys laptop got broked. and her boppa is sick.
im sad about that, and sometimes i cry.
but we are fighters here baby, we never go without a fight. and boppa and gramma have both fought this cancer fight. cancer isnt a scary word baby, its what you do with it.
we never give up baby. this world may not be perfect, but love is what we live for.
i hope i can make you proud at school babe.
momma is goign to learn other languages and help other people. :]
then we can live in a big house in Silverton with a St Bernard. :]
and a big yard with a fence and a basketball hoop.
mommy is working on getting even healthier for you baby.
already down nearly 100 going for the last 33 lbs.
im proud of me, and i want you to always be proud of me.
you are the only one whos opinion matters to me love.
i can hardly wait until i know youll remember all these good times.
we have tickle kisses, where i kiss you in tickle spots and you laugh.
mommy kisses, which i rub my nose to yours.
when i say "do you love mommy? you nod real big with a silly and perfect grin.
you now dance, with reckless abandon. you just put all of you into it and its perfect.
you cardance with mommy! how precious that is to me.
you're just...PERFECT.
seriously, my soul mate.
i will never think otherwise.
we were made for each other babe.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
funny kid!

you said Cody today. it sounded like "Doedy" :] you are learning, a new word a day at least it seems like.
im so amazed by you. mommy is really trying to go to school.
i took a test that tells the college where i am at. ill be honest bubbas, mommy didnt do so well in Math, but i TRIED.
i did good at reading and writing, and i will love helping you with both of those when you are older :].
you like to sit IN things. today i put you in a duffle bag sitting up, unzipped, and you just drank your juice while i carried you around :]
you make your momma smile.
Great Grammy and Boppa

When grammy was 17 she met Boppa. she wasnt from the right side of the tracks, and back in those days that didnt mean a bad person, but a poor person. she worked at the movie theatre and Boppa was from a financially comfortable family. he asked her out and she said yes. this was February of 1952. he was 19 and turned 20 in July, and was set to go into the military and was going to be sent away. he asked her to marry him, grammy says that eh was nervous :], he bought them a new cadillac, a blue two door, as a celebration and bought her a nice ring after they asked Grammys daddy. he said they must wait until she was 18. she turned 18 on 09.23.1952, and they married in Nevada on 09.30.1952 after being together for 7 months.
by 1960 they had 5 live children, and 2 of their children went to heaven before they were borned.
they have been married for nearly 58 years now and they are still perfect. Grammy is a fiery redhead and Boppa is a softspoken man. they have had problems, but boy are they in love.
mommy loves them very much, and is very sad that Boppa has gotten sick.
he sure loves you. he saw you kept trying to get in his toolbox and has been trying to find a little one for you to play with so you can "fix" things with him. Boppa is always fixing something; he is such a good man.
i hope and pray that i can grow up to be in such a successful relationship with daddy. and i hope i can raise you to be a good man like Great Grammy raised Boppa to be such a good man.
im proud of you bubba. :]

weve been spending more time with Grammy and Boppa while Boppa is sick and we prepare for your Great Great Gramma to go to Heaven. she is very old and she is being taken care of by her little boy. she has had a good life. while Boppa is sick, your Great Boppa that is, we want to see them often. Boppa has had cancer a lot, and so has Grammy, but they are strong and fight it. we are going to see them again soon. :] mommy is seeing them every week and bringing treats to make them smile.
we are very family oriented. family is the most important.
take care of your family baby. :]
speaking of family. one day you will have a brother or a sister, and you will be a great big brother. mommy is so proud of you!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
just some latelies.
i praise god for every breath you take.
the miracle that is you is not lost upon me.
but in lighter have been talking much more.
you say elmo! in delight when you see him, and you love him!
you can say kimmi "minni" uncle "unnel" "nonny" chad is "rad" mommy is still "momma" you can say blazers even better than before and also now you say Rudy! you recognize the blazer logo and say blazers too!
you say "ripley" when you see ripley which is awesome. you cant say sully yet though.
you can say burger and fries and shoes and you even say thank you now! how wondrous it is to hear you speak as you learn!
youve been sleeping much more since youve been sick, and twice this week you slept so long you over peed yourself and mommy has had to wash sheets :] you will go to bed and sleep for 12 hours which is odd for you! you are getting healthier. and so is mommy. im cutting back smoking and going to quit for you. i love you!
mommy is thinking hard about going to school but im scared.
i wish i didnt have to worry so much that we will be okay with monies. im going this week to see how i can go to school and make our lives better!
i love you bubba. so so much.
the miracle that is you is not lost upon me.
but in lighter have been talking much more.
you say elmo! in delight when you see him, and you love him!
you can say kimmi "minni" uncle "unnel" "nonny" chad is "rad" mommy is still "momma" you can say blazers even better than before and also now you say Rudy! you recognize the blazer logo and say blazers too!
you say "ripley" when you see ripley which is awesome. you cant say sully yet though.
you can say burger and fries and shoes and you even say thank you now! how wondrous it is to hear you speak as you learn!
youve been sleeping much more since youve been sick, and twice this week you slept so long you over peed yourself and mommy has had to wash sheets :] you will go to bed and sleep for 12 hours which is odd for you! you are getting healthier. and so is mommy. im cutting back smoking and going to quit for you. i love you!
mommy is thinking hard about going to school but im scared.
i wish i didnt have to worry so much that we will be okay with monies. im going this week to see how i can go to school and make our lives better!
i love you bubba. so so much.
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