today we sat on the potty a few times bubba. you say "potty" and "peepee" and sometimes you try and look at whats going on lol.
but you are starting to understand it. no rush...you're 17 months old and we just want you to know what it is and what its for so its easier later.
mommy registered for school and is now a college student!
i hope i get the monies i need to stay in it and make a good life for you and our family.
i want you to know i try very hard for you.
mommy loves you so so much.
daddy too.
you are really into elmo. and you always ask for elmo first thing in the morning. you dont understand why elmo is only on 5x a week when there are 7 days in a week. mommy doesnt either.
you are teething im sure.
over 14 teeth now.
you are still in size 12 clothes, but they have too small of head holes and are too short...but you're so skinny! they are the only option!
bedtime now is around 1030 or so and you sleep til about 1030 also.
today we had addison over and you di GREAT watching mommy hold another baby. one day son, one day you will have a brother or sister. momma wont love you any less when there is another baby.
you are my WORLD.
mommys laptop got broked. and her boppa is sick.
im sad about that, and sometimes i cry.
but we are fighters here baby, we never go without a fight. and boppa and gramma have both fought this cancer fight. cancer isnt a scary word baby, its what you do with it.
we never give up baby. this world may not be perfect, but love is what we live for.
i hope i can make you proud at school babe.
momma is goign to learn other languages and help other people. :]
then we can live in a big house in Silverton with a St Bernard. :]
and a big yard with a fence and a basketball hoop.
mommy is working on getting even healthier for you baby.
already down nearly 100 going for the last 33 lbs.
im proud of me, and i want you to always be proud of me.
you are the only one whos opinion matters to me love.
i can hardly wait until i know youll remember all these good times.
we have tickle kisses, where i kiss you in tickle spots and you laugh.
mommy kisses, which i rub my nose to yours.
when i say "do you love mommy? you nod real big with a silly and perfect grin.
you now dance, with reckless abandon. you just put all of you into it and its perfect.
you cardance with mommy! how precious that is to me.
you're just...PERFECT.
seriously, my soul mate.
i will never think otherwise.
we were made for each other babe.
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