When grammy was 17 she met Boppa. she wasnt from the right side of the tracks, and back in those days that didnt mean a bad person, but a poor person. she worked at the movie theatre and Boppa was from a financially comfortable family. he asked her out and she said yes. this was February of 1952. he was 19 and turned 20 in July, and was set to go into the military and was going to be sent away. he asked her to marry him, grammy says that eh was nervous :], he bought them a new cadillac, a blue two door, as a celebration and bought her a nice ring after they asked Grammys daddy. he said they must wait until she was 18. she turned 18 on 09.23.1952, and they married in Nevada on 09.30.1952 after being together for 7 months.
by 1960 they had 5 live children, and 2 of their children went to heaven before they were borned.
they have been married for nearly 58 years now and they are still perfect. Grammy is a fiery redhead and Boppa is a softspoken man. they have had problems, but boy are they in love.
mommy loves them very much, and is very sad that Boppa has gotten sick.
he sure loves you. he saw you kept trying to get in his toolbox and has been trying to find a little one for you to play with so you can "fix" things with him. Boppa is always fixing something; he is such a good man.
i hope and pray that i can grow up to be in such a successful relationship with daddy. and i hope i can raise you to be a good man like Great Grammy raised Boppa to be such a good man.
im proud of you bubba. :]
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