Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Wednesday, November 24, 2010
youre with daddy
reading back...
night with bug.
More Reading.
Touches Mahmee's heart.
i love you and all that you are you smart little guy.
thank you for showing me that while life is hard...love is what matters.
Just Love.
you'll always bring me down to the ground when my head is in the sky and keep my head high when im dragging along the ground.
Goodness i love you.
Today mahmee's friend Elizabeth, who you call "Izzabeth" surprised us with milk and crackers to fill your tummy.
random acts of kindness love. doing things for other people is what this is all about.
Judaism stresses something called "Tikkun Olam" which means repairing the world.
that is our life, our goal, our mission.
One day we'll be in a position to resume Tikkun Olam-ing for others like Izzabeth did for us.
love you baby.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
hard times for mahmee, but you'll never know.
this love will make us rich.
you LOVE seeing mommy's professional pictures of "bunny". thats his name. Bunny.
the nightly routine is "Triple B" Bunny. Bebo. Blanket.
happy for mommy, Blanket is the one i made for you :]
you love your "bebo" like mahmee did as a baby.
and Bunny is Bunny.
youve LOVED him ever since you saw him at a thrift store while mommy shopped. having not been attached to anything prior to bunny, you knew when you had found your best friend. and now you ask for him daily.
i love you son.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
another blazer game
another blazer game
Saturday, November 6, 2010
something from Daddy

he is so proud of you. always the sports enthusiast you are just like daddy.