Great Grandpa just passed away and mommy took you to california to see nana and aunties. you got to meet auntie kayla! and see aunt Jorden. you met Aunt Jessica too!
im so proud of you. you LOVE basketball.
in california there are lots of bball hoops on garages and you said ba-ball everytime you saw one. you pointed at the guitars are Phils and said "daddy" because you remembered daddy has guitars!
you sure are catching on to everything.
you LOVED the slides. kept calling them WEEs!
you say so many things and you understand what we say even if you cxant say it.
if i tell you "take the remote to daddy" you get the remote and take it to daddy. how blessed are we to have such a great little boy.
another ear infection and 6 teeth still coming but you're doing amazing.
im SO proud of you baby.
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