its 2010.
holy moly.
2009 was THE BEST year of my life.
now while 2008 was the year that mom and daddy decided to have you and we finally met you, growing with you in 2009 was so much to me. it would definitely be accurate to say that each year i'm with you is the BEST year. we love you SO much.
we are very excited to have you growing and getting smarter. daddy and i talked last night about when we wanted to make you a big brother, and when we wanted to get married.
while there aren't any specific dates, we have decided that next year in 2011 we will try to make you a little baby brother or sister. and one day we will get married. but marrying daddy wont change what we already have.
our life is so perfect.
i can hardly wait to expand our little family.
daddy and i are thinking of what to do with our lives. we want careers. we want jobs that will stay with us and keep our family happy and safe.
what should mommy and daddy do?
EMT? Writer? Photographer? Teacher? DayCare? Juvenile corrections?
i don't know sweets, but i am going to make you proud. both of us are. you are the number one thing in our lives : ]
mommy and daddy and nanny are going to be looking for a new house. with 2 bedrooms and a basement for nanny so she can have her own studio apartment. or a nice huge downtown apartment.
one day we'll have a big house. with big rooms, big porches to keep you safe, and a big dog. i'm feeling complete and content love, but am so anxious for all the things we will experience with you!
you have another ear infection bubbas. but you are loving cuddles. its strange, when you feel icky you dont sleep well. doctor says that your ears are puffy and causing pain when you lay down, so youve been falling asleep sitting up. you've been skipping naps, and when you are sleeping, you crawl around in your sleep whimpering. we let you sleep with us since you are sick, and i worry you'll crawl right off the bed...its happened you silly boy.
you are cuddled next to me as i type this. you are so precious to me.
you arent venturing out more in the walking department. your first steps happened on 12.20.2009 and you dont try much. it'll come. im not worried. its not that you CANT its just that you dont WANT to. :]
you LOVE to play "containers". today i put a whole bevy of mixing bowls on the floor for you and got out your toy balls and you just had so much fun putting the toys into the bowls. so smart!
yesterday i taught you that Monkeys say Oo Oo Oo Ah Ah Ah and when i tell you to do it you say ah ah ah ah. its SO cute.
you clap when people on tv clap, you are great at raising your arms for touchdown, especially when daddy freaks out at the tv about touchdowns.
you still do "singing" where when we say "singing" you sing! Ya ya Ya ya Ya ya. :] makes me happy. you are musical! you dance to everything! and you love to bang on dishes and bowls. you have drumstick mixing spoons someone bought for christmas with drumstick handles, and you have mommys rhythm! did you know i can play the drums/ i taught myself, and maybe when you're older we will see what musical instruments you like to play. you LOVE daddy's guitars and you LOVE playing the plano that momma has.
how wonderful it is to know you love music, the thing that brought mommy and daddy together!
goodness i am so lucky to have you here honey.
one of the pictures i will upload here in a bit is of the quilt momma's momma
i so much wanted your baby clothes and a blanket made into a quilt for me, so i could always have you with me. and its PERFECT. your blankets are the pieces on the outside and Gramma picked 4 of the onesies that you wore to put on the front. one says i love mommy and one says i love daddy. i LOVE my blanket.
and cuddles under it with you are the best! specially when you are sick, its nice to cuddles with you under our blankie.
handsome boy, im so excited for a year of wonderful things. how blessed we all out to have our family!
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