when i started this relationship with nursing i had my thoughts about it.
my boobs are going to be hard and up to my chin with engorgement.
im going to make so much they will leak.
i will be wearing nursing pads with any outfit.
julian will eat all of his provided food.
i will wait 3 hours and do it again.
i will never run out.
julian will always be happy.
i will be happy.
this makes for happiness.
i was only partly right.
in 2008 an estimated 74% of babies were breastfed at birth according to the CDC NIS statistics
it is NOT easy for all of them.
this is partly why the same group moves down to 43% at 6 months and 21% at one year.
its HARD.
sometimes you have the sore boobs.
one woman i know had them so big her baby couldnt eat from them for over a month until the swelling had gone down, and she subsequently spent weeks trying to get the baby to get back ON the boob from her bottle bipple preference (it IS doable...its hard, but totally doable).
on woman i know wanted so desperately to nurse only to only last 6 excruciating weeks because of her supply problems.
i myself had to start supplementing as we approached 5 months because my milk alone wasnt enough for him. he needed more.
boobs reject pumps.
babies reject boobs.
babies sometimes reject bottles.
babies sometimes do wean themselves.
supply does run low.
supply also sometimes runs high.
sometimes you leak; sometimes you dont.
some women repeatedly get engorged; for others it lasts only a few weeks.
some 4% of babies have tongue ties making latching and nursing difficult.
Cleft Lip/Palate occurs in between one in 600 to one in 800 births...another hindrance to nursing.
i spoke with a woman who would use nipple shields and bottle nipples to help her daughter with a cleft lip nurse.
its not easy. i think when women have to stop before they would like because of any reason they feel like a fdailure. like they are letting their baby down.
in reality, we are letting ourselves down because we set our own expectations.
its hard to shake the mindset. i want desperately to think...wow 8 months of this! ive done a lot more than some! instead i think...whycouldnt i make it those last few months.
im working on it. but itseasier said than done.
we're trying to go a few more weeks at least.
im with you ladies.
(updated to add on 02.21.2013: i wish i had known SO much more than i did when i wrote this entry. if any passersby happen upon this know that this doesnt have to be your ending. there is so much i know now that im studying lactation, than i did when i wrote this and all of this was 100% avoidable...i just had no idea what to do and didnt know where to go. reach out to me, or to a lactation consultant. we can turn this around!)
(updated to add on 02.21.2013: i wish i had known SO much more than i did when i wrote this entry. if any passersby happen upon this know that this doesnt have to be your ending. there is so much i know now that im studying lactation, than i did when i wrote this and all of this was 100% avoidable...i just had no idea what to do and didnt know where to go. reach out to me, or to a lactation consultant. we can turn this around!)
There is no doubt in my mind that your precious baby boy loves you for much more than your milk supply. Julian isn't like other babies, he has a mature soul, he knows you are his mommy and that you are doing everything you can. Sure, he gets frustrated, but that doesn't change the way his face lights up when he sees you or hears your voice. Your efforts in breastfeeding have not gone unnoticed by him, he will benefit from all that you have done. I applaud you lady, you are such a warrior! Don't be so hard on yourself though! LOVE YOU!