Sunday, December 16, 2012

Share Jar Day! with daddy!

my last post was somber and very solemn.
such a horrible thing to happen in our great our great our great gifted life. 
but I blogged to you about it because it is not something your small lives and hearts can contain. your small beings and big lights are too fragile for the horror that is Sandy Hook, so when we discussed our sadness with you we simply explained that there were a lot of sad children because of a bad man.  we considered these words carefully, for we WANT you to live in Hope and Positivity and His Light, and create your own, but we also want you to be aware that there is some bad, so you can avoid bad things and not be too naive. we did not go into detail, and we only touched on the sadness briefly before changing the subject. 

well today daddy had a rough day, he seemed very out of it, sad. this week in all of its events and the work week in general kind of got to him, so i decided it must be a share jar day. usually I do share jar with you while daddy works, so i thought he'd enjoy to be there with you. i asked you what you wanted to do with the money, thinking that youd automatically pick the Humane Society like always. but no. your response was sweet and tender. "I want to give it to the childrens." my heart smiled and wept at the same time. how tender you are. 
so we decided to do both. we decided that you and i would sit down and color pictures for the childrens (basically their families and surviving children) and then find a cause donating to them directly. and we would go to the humane society anyway to donate 1/2 of your money (in reality, ill just give you 2x as much :) so we could see the doggies and kitties and aunt K. 
so we went and there was a christmas tree, kind of like the toys for tots giving tree, and there were pictures with things the humane society could use on the back. i read them to you and you chose Hot Dogs, cheese in a can (they use it to cover us the taste of medications so the animals will take the pills they need to take after procedures) and wet food, which is used for the super young cats and the sickly ones. we traveled to walmart right down the road and you picked those things out, as well as a couple tennis balls for the dogs. it was amazing; even though we spent 6$ on these  animals (that damn cheez whiz was half of that :) you felt like you gave them the world. we went back to the humane society and you got to see the kitties and doggies. i love that you get to SEE the difference you make, and i love that by doing it in person, you get to have that memory of impact. 
you set a couple of the things down with pride; how could i NOT take a picture?

this is a plaque at the humane society. i think it fits. we shall always take in those tired and poor and give them rest in human ways, while they also get their Divine Rest as well.
also this isnt relevant but i started a shopping list earlier and you found it and wrote this on the bottom. you asked me to write spiderman (you dressed in all spiderman today...2 spiderman hats (one beanie and one on top) a spidey shirt, spidey jacket and spidey shoes...and we cant forget your spidey underpants!) then you asked for the pen while i got dressed to leave...and later i found it, you wrote your numbers and "spidr" and up top is my favorite "momy i <3 p="p" u="u">

you bless me with your heart, your love, your everything. 

thank you, thank you. 

i'll leave you and anyone passing through with this thought that i subscribe to when it comes to raising you to be Light. its my hope that i succeed in always involving you, and not just settle for telling. i love you Julian.

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