just some fun updates from my weekend with you. mommy missed 2 days of work with a hurty back.
but you are always so sweet. you came up to me so many times and made silly faces, like this mahsser scrunchy faced one.
it was like you were trying to make me laugh.
you were SO good while i was laying on the couch. i love being around you. sometimes i wish that i spent more time with you.
i do enjoy every second im with you. today was rough. you went to bed at about 1000 last night and woke up around 1300! thats a lot of sleep and you were fussy and cuddly and indecisive all day. poor baby.
i love you baby. praying you feel better tomorrow! mommy and daddy are having a date night with mr clifton and miss carrie tomoirrow and you will get to hang out with miss April and mister Justin and miss Juliet.
you love them and i will come see you right when we get back into town. we are going to see the blazers! im excited for next season when you will be bigger and we can take you again!
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