so...your two first teeth were painless...at least we thought. you rarely cried and you just liked to bite everything.
well the teething fairies have brought you more...6 more...at the same time. when all is said and done you'll have 4 top and 4 bottom teeth. you are taking this pretty hard. screaming, not wanting to eat milk. crying and only wanting mommy and daddy.
we've had our fair share of arguments and im sure that doesnt help...but there are some things to aid in relief.
right now a steady 4 hour drip of tylenol along with Hylands teething Tablets. you like em. you stop crying long enough to take them and then you cuddle.
bananas. or the beech nut veggies. i put a jar in the fridge to make it cold and it helps you eat. i cant figure out how to make you want breast milk or a bottle...i think the sucking hurts your poor mouth.
i had to call into work to stay home with you yesterday and today. and no doctor is open on the weekends. i know its your teeth and it hurts to not be able to fix it.
a lifetime movie plays on tv, im too lazy to get up and change it. : ]
you are way into pots and pans drums! so musical! right now you are at my feet playing with my shoes moaning....ehhhhhhh....ehhhhhh. still cant crawl right yet, but the zombie body drag does its job for ya. we are working on that lower body to help with walking and standing. you love to stand on the side of the couch. its hard to look at baby milestones and not compare you...but you didnt even roll til your 5th month!
you are showing your true personality.
you laugh at cameras pointing at you.
you love to drag yourself to the couch and then get out ANYTHING underneath it.
you like to stand along the couch. or sit on your knees in your crib.
you LOVE the kitties. and you try and say the word all the time. closest youve come is DEEDEE or Hitty. but its a work in progress. you say mama and dada. and are good at sticking with just Mom and Dad. you've even said daddy a couple times.
you watch Law and Order with Nanny every workday.
and whenever we play the theme song or you hear the GungGung you whip your head around.
you are such a big guy.
we've had a lot of concerned parents talk to us about the teething...from frozen washcloths to frozen waffles...cold bagels to alternating motrin and tylenol. its hard to find what will work best for you.
i dont know what i would do without you : ]
you are wonderful baby boy.
9 months now.
you are really a ham.