Monday, July 15, 2013

my sweet!

As i write this you are sleeping. another night you cried and just wanted mama and who was i to turn you away? we might be an unconventional family but who made the rule that we always have to sleep in our own beds? sometimes mommy and daddy sleep in other rooms with each of the littles and thats okay!

You are getting more and more into technology. You love the game Braid, and you want to play it, or watch videos of people playing it, all the time. You still love angry birds, and also now Portal. We play together and its great bonding time.

Youre such a sensitive boy, my julian, and i love it. you hear a lyric on the radio and you then change it for me. we were listening to a song hte other day and you said "mommy, ill never stop loving you." it melts my heart that you are learning to schmooz. i love you boy. you are getting very tender with daddy and i, and very in touch with your emotions. sometimes these emotions explode from that little boy and i have to remember its very hard to be 4. im glad you have another year before school; you deserve that extra time to be you.

speaking of school, you are SO smart! you can read really well and you have drawn amazing pictures and you can think out so many problems in life and in your games.
you are sneaky and are learning about fibbing and such. its learning and im okay with teaching.

you are very kidn and caring. You love your sister SO much. even when she hits and kicks and tussles with you. you wrestle with her and you are so gentle. i am even more in love with you after learnign about the great big brother you are. God gave her to you and you to her and i love seeing that love being fostered.

You still hate clothes. you always seem to manage to get them off as soon as we get in the door, but at least now you are open to putting them on when company comes. :)

you LOVE to dance and will break out in dance at ANY place we are at if you like the song, and you LOVE hip hop. its bananas!

You sing, and it melts me every time. I love how you love music. while in the car sometimes you will ask me to stop talking and turn the song up and i can absolutely oblige.

You are also learning preferences and i love learning your preferences. Ive learned you hate meat loaf (even though daddys is AMAZING) and you dont like olives unless you get to put them on your fingers. :)

as we walk through this life im getting to see this tender loving and giving side of you and its the most amazing thing. youre closer to 5 than you are to 4 and as you grow im just wanting time to stand still for a minute. ill never know when the last cuddle or sleepover is before you grow out of it and i dont want to miss a thing.

thank you for choosing me love.
youre the most amazing boy!

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