Sunday, January 30, 2011

Love, Daddy

Boy! Today did we have fun my son! We had a slumber party @ aunty Ayla's house, as soon as you woke up it was breakfast time....unfortunately Daddy didn't come prepared with your oatmeal- so you got donuts! Next, it was time to help fix the badillac. Your job was to help pickup the garbage and you did a great job! Aunt Ayla took you to the park while the men finished up, but you weren't allowed to play on the "Weeee" because all the kids came out to recess at the same time! Oh well, at least you got a big walk with your aunt:) after your nap you went to the auto show and saw hundreds of VROOM VROOM! You wore yourself out running around all the cars and test driving them baby. Your favorite car was the orange Volvo, you did NOT want to get out of the driver was pretty funny. Daddy dropped you off with the childcare for abit and let you play with some toys- the nice ladies there couldn't stop talkingy about how smart and polite you are! You are our little gentleman:)

All in all it was a very busy and fun day. Just one of many we have my little dude. Every day we get to hang out turns into my favorite day Jude-bug. Daddy loves you, sleep tight.

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