today i woke up to you. came to daddys last night but felt so sick i went to sleep before you even.
i woke up and i was so happy you were here with me :] or rather, that i was here with you.
im amazed at you. you're learning so much. when i ask you what a cow says you say "moo moo!" when i ask you wat a dog says you say woof woof! when i ask what a bear says you saw grrrrrr. you are so smart.
today you sang me your WHOLE ABCs with very little help! you are amazing!
you also use sentences now.
21 months old walking around saying "its yummy milk" and "donnie's sleeping"
im blown away by you!
i have started my job at comcast and am trying really hard! i love you and just want to build such a good life for you. there are a lot of options out there for me and you, and im working for all of them.
you and daddy and i pulled tomatoes out of the garden! yummy!
(when youre like 18 and you read this, the baby talk will get annoying and for that, im sorry. but come on, youre 21 months old right now, so sue me.
today we are going to CJs birthday party :] you LOVE CJ. the whole family of carrie and clifton makes you so happy! i love that you love them. its like you have found another family that loves you. and its amazing.
in a few weeks we are going to blazers opening night. :] i love that we get to have nights like that!
for the next few months while mommy gets used to the new job, things will be tight, but i promise you i will never leave you needing something. we may not have everything that we want all the time, but we will always have things we need.
i love you baby, and we are gonna rock this life.
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