You walked out with the sock on your hand and started using it as a mouth while using a funny voice.
You're just hilarious as can be :) love you!
You walked out with the sock on your hand and started using it as a mouth while using a funny voice.
You're just hilarious as can be :) love you!
This morning daddy came in to wake you up to take you to see his dad and his step mom, grandpa and grandma peggy. You didn't wanna get up! You kept saying that you needed to stay and lay with mommy and you couldn't leave me. You even hid under the covers next to me to not go! I helped convince you to go and you could just come back to me. As you gave in you fell down and hugged my face and told me you loved me. :) then before you left I said I loved you and you told me "ill come. Take care of you mahmee!"
You're my boy.'re afraid of crickets lately. And it makes me smile because I'm learning you. Kisses and loves.
Hi my babies.
Today juse walked up to me holding pictures of the sonogram we had. He looks at me and sweetly says "can we talk about maya mahmee?"
Then around naptime jude leans in and tells maya "I love you maya." Then got so excited "mahmee! Maya said 'i love you too'!"
I can hardly wait to see you two together!
You're already friends. Love you.
Today on word world duck says "how do ducks learn to fly?......they just...'wing it'!" You laughed. Then turned to me. "Hey mahmee. Wanna hear a joke?" I nodded. You continued. "How do we drink water?" You wait, then continue. "You just...cup it!".
It may not have been funny, but you knew wings were for cups to water. :) you're so smart! Proud of you!
Its a lazy morning. Breakfast of "crunchy flakes" and cuddling watching your fave movie :) love you buddy. I don't know how I lived without you half the time.
Today. While talking to maya. Daddy and mahmee decided that we were "hungry for little tiny basketball players." And we pretended to eat you. Your response?
"Don't eat me guys!! I'M NOT CHICKEN!"
You're so funny.
Oh my babies. This is one of just many moments I'm going to enjoy. Both my babies cuddling with me :) I love it!
Oh my babies. This is one of just many moments I'm going to enjoy. Both my babies cuddling with me :) I love it!
Make my life complete. I love you both very much and it makes my heart smile whenever I see things like this. You're wonderful!
My Julian, my baby boy. this is for you, because i love you. every little bit of you. :] this is our life, and our love. in silly little text boxes.